The Project
SvxLink is a project that develops software targeting the ham radio community. It started out as an EchoLink application for Linux back in 2003 but have now evolved to be something much more advanced.
SvxLink Server
The SvxLink Server is a general purpose voice services system, which when connected to a transceiver, can act as both an advanced repeater system and can also operate on a simplex channel. One could call it a radio operating system since it sits between the hardware (transceiver) and the applications (modules) and handle basic system services as well as input and output.
SvxLink is very extensible and modular. Voice services are implemented as modules which are isolated from each other. Modules can be implemented in either C++ or TCL. Examples of modules are:
- Help – A help system
- Parrot – Play back everything that is received
- EchoLink – Connect to other EchoLink stations
- DtmfRepeater – Repeater received DTMF digits
- TclVoiceMail – Send voice mail to other local users
- PropagationMonitor – Announce propagation warnings from
- SelCall – Send selective calling sequences by entering DTMF codes
Qtel, the Qt EchoLink client, is a graphical application used to access the EchoLink network.
These are some of the resources connected to SvxLink:
- Wiki Pages – Main documentation
- Issue Tracker – Report bugs and feature requests
- Download Releases – Download source code releases here
- Download Sound Clips – Download English sound clip files for SvxLink Server from here
- Mailing Lists – Communicate with other SvxLink users
- GitHub Main Page – The project site on GitHub
- The SvxLink SourcForge Site – Old project site